Design Process

PREDESIGN Every client has a “story” that we discover before design begins. This “story” is created through the investigation of the client’s design goals, program development, site assessment, and regulatory inquiries.

SURVEY & GEOTECHNICAL REPORT The Owner provides a Survey and Geotechnical Report. If desired by the Owner, the Architect can make recommendations.

ENGINEERING SELECTION The architect will secure the Civil, Structural, Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing Engineers for each project.

SCHEMATIC DESIGN Your “story” starts to take shape in a new design.

CONTRACTOR INTEGRATION Integrating a contractor early into the project team helps keep the construction costs aligned with the client’s budget. The contractor can start to identify as the project develops long-lead items to help inform construction product selection and schedule.

DESIGN DEVELOPMENT The design is developed further as the architect adds more details and integrates the engineering work.

CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS The design drawings are prepared for permitting and construction.

BIDDING & NEGOTIATION The architect assists the client in soliciting bids for construction. Sometimes a client will come with a pre-selected contractor. The selected contractor establishes the Guaranteed Maximum Price.

CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION The architect observes construction at various stages to ensure construction conforms to the Contract Documents.